5 Helpful Tips to Prepare for a Pet Sitter

It’s a topic near and dear to our hearts – preparing your fur ball to be cared for by a pet sitter. As proud pet owners ourselves, we know it can be nerve wracking to leave your pet behind when you travel, but there are a few things you can do to make the process as stress-free as possible.

  1. Give as much detail as possible during your initial meet and greet. Whether you’re meeting your pet sitter in person or virtually, set aside enough time to go over as many details as possible. Give instructions about food location and amounts, allergies, feeding time rituals, behaviors to look out for, alarm and key information, etc. If you invest additional time on the front end, your pet sitter will have fewer questions during service delivery and you’ll be able to rest assured knowing they’re taken care of just as you want them to be.
  2. Pet proof your home. You know Fido better than anyone else, so you know what mischief he’s likely to get into. If you know he likes to dig in the trash, figure out a locking system to eliminate the risk. If you know he likes to chew shoes, put your shoes out of reach.
  3. Provide emergency contact information, including names and phone numbers, of at least 2 people who live nearby. It’s important that your pet sitter has an alternative contact if they can’t reach the first emergency contact person. Likewise, your emergency contacts should live near your house; if you give the contact info for your mom who lives miles, or even states away, she’s not likely to be able to provide urgent assistance.
  4. If you have an electronic/keyless entry, leave a backup key hidden somewhere. Technology is great but it isn’t perfect. If you have a key fob or other electronic entry system, it would be smart to leave an old school key hidden somewhere. You don’t necessarily have to share its location with your pet sitter right away, but in case the battery on the digital keypad dies, or the key fob doesn’t work, they will still be able to access your house and provide pet care services.
  5. Tell your pet goodbye, but don’t make a huge deal of your departure. Most pets know something’s up when the suitcase comes out. While you might be sad to leave your fur ball, it’s better to keep the goodbyes short and sweet so you don’t draw extra attention to the fact that you’re leaving. Long, drawn out goodbyes might create additional stress and anxiety which could lead to issues for both the pet and the pet sitter.

Finally, trust your gut. You did your research and invested time in making sure you found a great pet sitter to love and care for your fur ball. Now sit back, relax, and rest assured your pet is in great hands.

If you or someone you know needs pet sitting, feel free to fill out our Booking Form or call us today. We would love to help! 404-438-1573 or thevillagepets@gmail.com.



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