5 Reasons to Walk Your Dog

It’s been cold outside, y’all! This week we’re highlighting 5 reasons to bundle up and brave the cold to walk your pet – trust us, you’ll be happy you did! (And remember, if you simply don’t have time or are unable, our team of trustworthy dog walkers is here to help!)


1) It’s good for your body…and Fido’s too!

There are so many important physical benefits of walking for both you and your fur baby. Walking, and exercise, in general, helps maintain a healthy weight, gives their cardiovascular system needed exercise, stimulates healthy digestion and urinary health, and supports bone and joint health. 


2) Fido’s brain needs stimulation!

Walking provides much-needed mental and emotional stimulation for your pups. On walks, dogs get to smell new scents, watch wildlife, see other people and pets, and explore new terrain. This stimulation can actually help prevent unwanted behaviors like chewing on your couch and trash diving as well. By getting them outside and giving their brain some exercise, you’re more likely to have a tired pup who doesn’t feel the need to expel excess energy and anxiety by doing those destructive behaviors.


3) You and Fido can make new friends!

Pups are a great icebreaker. They make it easier to strike up conversations with strangers (but remember to keep COVID safety precautions in mind!). I mean come on, who doesn’t want to OOOHHH and AHHH over a cute puppy at the dog park, or commiserate about the funniest thing Fido chewed up at home.


4) Nothing beats time with Mother Nature!

There are so many beautiful green spaces in Metro Atlanta to enjoy with your fur ball. There’s nothing better than a spring dog walk in Piedmont Park (bonus – they have two great dog parks!) or a quick jaunt to Sweetwater Creek State Park. Take advantage of your pup’s desire to sniff and watch wildlife; it’s a great way to disconnect from your daily life and enjoy some fresh air.


5) Walks can double as training sessions!

Dog walks provide so many great opportunities to teach or sharpen obedience skills. By building quick training sessions into your daily dog walks, you’re being productive and killing two birds with one stone! Try getting Fido to sit at random intervals or teach him good walking manners by having him heel right on your left side. These moments will have huge multiplier effects later on!


As always, your friends at The Village Pets, Pet Sitting and Pet Care are happy to help! No matter the reason, our trustworthy dog walkers and pet sitters are available to do daily walks or drop-in visits while you’re out of town. 

And guess what!!? New in 2021, we’re offering ONE HOUR DOG WALKS for pets and families who want a little bit of extra TLC. These can be 60-minute dog walks or drop-in visits and will ensure Fido gets all the love she needs. Contact us today to discuss your pet care needs!



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