An Essential Guide to Microchipping

The Village Pets has always been a proponent of microchipping pets because it’s one of the single most effective ways to ensure lost pets are found and returned home. Read below for some helpful tips on microchipping your dogs and cats (yes, cats can be microchipped)!

Checkout this video of King the chihuahua being reunited with his owners after more than 6 years, all thanks to a microchip!

What is a microchip and how does it work?

A microchip is a tiny computer chip that contains a tracking number that can be linked to identifying information about you and your pet. They’re the size of a grain of rice, fit right under your pet’s skin, and are easily inserted with a painless procedure that’s similar to a quick injection. In most cases, one microchip will last the entire lifetime of a pet and can be easily scanned at any veterinary clinic in the event of an emergency.

How effective are microchips?

Microchips are much more effective than collars. Collars can slip off or pets can slip out of yards without their collars on, but microchips go wherever your pet goes.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that microchip information must be kept up-to-date. If you microchip Fido when they’re 10 months old, it’s likely that you’ll move homes or change phone numbers by the time she’s 9 or 10 years old. Updating information is usually an easy process; you’ll just log into the online portal and update your profile. Ultimately, microchips are only effective if the scanner is able to find accurate, up-to-date information about the owner.

How much will it cost to microchip my pet?

Prices vary, but you can expect to pay between $20-$80 to have your pet microchipped. In our experience, veterinarians often offer package discounts, so you might be able to get a lower rate if you have your fur ball microchipped at their next annual vaccination appointment. Remember, this is most likely a one-time payment so it’s well worth the price.

Are there any risks associated with microchips?

In nearly all cases, microchips are painless and easy to insert. However, there are small risks associated with them, as with any medical procedure. We recommend talking to your veterinarian to make the best decision for you, your fur ball, and your family.



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