Our Top 5 Fur Ball Influencers

Social media runs our lives these days. When we’re bored, we scroll through social media. When we want to share important news, we publish a post on Facebook. When our kid does something cute, we feel the need to urgently share it with our Instagram followers. When we need advice on the best new products, we turn to social media influencers for advice.

Would you believe that the lives of our fur balls have been changed by social media too? This week we’ve gathered a list of 5 of the biggest fur ball influencers on Instagram. Check them out – we promise you won’t be disappointed!

  1. @this_girl_is_a_squirrel – ever seen a pet squirrel? Jill is a 7-year old squirrel who was rescued during Hurricane Isaac a few years ago.  She dresses up in the cutest little costumes and gives us a good laugh with each new post.
  2. @tunameltsmyheart – with 2.1 million followers, Tuna has been a hit on Instagram for years. His owners say he’s a chiweenie and he’s best known for his silly, tooth-filled smile.
  3. @juniperfoxx – Juniper is a red fox rescue who’s living a luxurious life with his humans. His owners say he has a genetic abnormality that prevents him from being released in the wild. If you follow him, you’re sure to get a glimpse of his exotic rescue siblings too.
  4. @venustwofacecat – she’s a beauty. She has the most beautiful eyes and a really unique look. You’ll be fortunate to catch lots of cute selfies highlighting her eyes – one blue and one green.
  5. @estherthewonderpig – is a big ole pink big who lives happily inside her human’s home. She likes to dress up and eat allll the treats while her family cooks dinner.

Who are your favorite fur ball Instagram influencers? Share their usernames below!



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