Top 5 Tips for Working from Home with Fido

Now that we’re 6 months into this quarantine thing, you’ve probably adjusted to the “new normal” of working from home. People have upgraded their home offices, revamped their home workout routines, and changed their work wardrobe, so why not adjust your pup’s routine to match your new lifestyle as well!?
This week we’ve gathered 5 of the best tips for working from home with Fido nearby.

If you have other hints, please share them in the comments. We’re all in this together and any pawsitive ideas for making this experience easier are much appreciated!

1. Distract your pup.

Find interactive toys, chewies, or other activities your dog can stay busy with while you’re logged into those seemingly never ending Zoom meetings.

2. Take away the annoying doorbell.

Door knocking and bell ringing sets many pups off, so consider removing the risk of an Amazon delivery person causing mayhem by removing it from the hook, putting tape over it, or even posting a sign instructing delivery people to leave items without notice.

3. Be intentional about making time for Fido.

Working from home can be overwhelming, stressful, and tiresome. Consider setting aside a special time – maybe midday for a nice lunch break? – to take Fido for a walk or play a game of fetch. A scheduled break will give both you and your pup a well-deserved reset.

4. Keep Fido away from your office.

If possible, create a private workspace where Fido does not go. This will help reduce noise and distractions. Some people have even reported success with sticking to their pup’s crate routine, for some or all of the work day. Sticking to old routines might help with the transition back to work later on too!

5. Be the boss.

Make sure your pup knows who’s boss by ignoring any unnecessary begging and whining. By ignoring incessant demands, you’ll train them to keep themselves busy while you’re on the clock.

Share your success stories (or funny mishaps!) below. We’ll get through this together, sooner or later.



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